Saturday, January 25, 2014

Historical reenactment is a scripted educational or entertainment activity in which participants follow a prearranged plan to recreate aspects of a historical event or period—often a military engagement or display. This may be as narrow as a specific moment from a battle, such as the reenactment of Pickett's Charge presented during the Great Reunion of 1913, or as broad as an entire period, such as Regency reenactment or The 1920s Berlin Project.

Historical reenactment through the ages

Activities related to "reenactment" have a long history. The Romans staged recreations of famous battles within their amphitheaters as a form of public spectacle. In the Middle Agestournaments often reenacted historical themes from Ancient Rome or elsewhere. In the nineteenth century, reenactments were popular in a number of countries, e.g. the Eglinton Tournament of 1839 in Britain. During the early twentieth century they were popular in Russia with re-enactments of the Siege of Sevastopol (1854–1855) (1906), the Battle of Borodino (1812) in St Petersburg and the Taking of Azov (1696) in Voronezh in 1918. In 1920, there was a reenactment of the 1917Storming of the Winter Palace on the third anniversary of the event. This reenactment inspired the scenes in Sergei Eisenstein's filmOctober: Ten Days That Shook the World.
Likewise, mass pageants were used to commemorate civic events like the 150th anniversary of the founding of St Louis, held in 1914.[1] Particularly during and since the centennial of the American Civil War in the United States beginning in 1961, reenactments of Civil War battles has attracted many reenactors, who are some of the most dedicated.
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